Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sad sad little website!

Ranking my top enemies?

Lie 1...Eli Lewis is not an enemy we all do stupid shit which he did for Rocco Steele (Robert) to promote his pathetic career (Robert aka Rocco). Sad I had to lie again to try to make your shit site something more! Lol

Lie 2...No matter how many times your site posts that I supposedly threatened someone's life that again is a lie. (Sad you can't come up with something factual) So keep on pedaling that you sad pieces of shit!

Lie 3...I have never been dropped from a single Studio I have work for I've Quit them all. And you can ask any of them I'm one of the easiest people to work with onset I don't complain and I get the job done.  And if you need detail the reason why I left Ducati studios is because Trenton steals peoples rolls from other people ask Billy S. Also he tends to only push Twinkie skinny guys that are feminine because that's what he tends to be attracted to. On top of that I think I was maybe one of eight or nine people that left his agency (all at the same time) because he sucks he doesn't talk to his business partner and they feed you a bunch of lies.  On top of that hiring ex-cons who are  by letting the parole isn't exactly a company I'd want to work for! (Know your shit)

Lie 4... Paul Wilde at the end of his time at Titan studios was moody and difficult and just plainly an ass to work for. Mentioning that he was dreadful as a director doesn't make him an enemy.

Lie 5... Adam Russo is a friend and I still fuck him so bring out the lies! Got to come up with something better than that!

Lie 6... Christian Owen not an enemy basically the same story about Paul mixed with him lying and being a cunt all the time, but that's  just him in his life in general can't take the ass out of the asshole!
I think str8upporn thinks using facts is a bad thing and when someone does use them they are your enemies!

Lie 7... Theo Ford other than working here illegally and airbrushing his photos every single one of them and that he's boring and vapid. Not an enemy I don't waste my time talking to valid people!

Lie 8... That str8upgayporn is my #1 enemy they aren't real their sad no factual information makes makes them not real just like Fox News! Which they have lots in common they put vapid ugly people on media outlets to spread lies! If it's a lie it's not real and the only thing Str8upgayporn does it lie so they aren't real!