Friday, April 11, 2014

Lemmings LOL

I was sitting down and thinking about some funny shit when a few things popped out of nowhere. Those few things are what I decided to write about. It sometimes helps to expound on paper then it does in thought. Do know, I am a nice person and very kind when I am shown respect, but there are two sides of a coin. I do like coming across as bitter, jaded, cynical and mean. The times when I am that way, is like therapy for me. So let’s call this post, therapy time. I hope you enjoy it because when people are honest and funny you can’t really go to wrong. So this post is kind of attacking a group of stupid people.  A very specific group of horrible people.

So, I was voted by some half rate blog a while back, that I had the worst twitter or I shouldn’t have a twitter account. Not naming any names but that’s kind of funny to think that a halfwit blogger is going to comment on the value of my Twitter. There is a reason why I don’t let just anyone read it, because rejects like this unnamed blogger will have more material to use because he cannot come up with anything original of his own. Then I started to think well he has these supporters that just are bitter faggots and usually agree with him regardless if what he says is true or not.

 I have these very kind words for those faggots. “Go run off a cliff like a lemming, because god knows you are better off dead than alive!” The reason why I say these kind words are plain and simple you follow a pathetic excuses for a human that, BETRAYS all that he stands for. Example: Taking a pic, while being buddy-buddy with Michael Lucas which, he has basically sworn to try to destroy. He will say anything he possibly can to draw negative attention. Even if there is rave attention in a positive sense he will avoid talking about it. Kind of reminds me of FOX NEWS (Ran by halfwits and full of lies with a bunch of retarded, backwoods followers) Now, now Lemmings don’t get your panties in a twist. I will reconfirm you are fucking IDIOTS. I know truth is hard for you to understand since you have been reading his blog, I mean, a weak and lame excuse for a blog, for a bit too long.

This is not a Self Help posting because I truly hope you find that cliff. Me showing the error of your ways/ there being no point to your existence, that you might find that cliff sooner. Myself an intelligent being, would not expect that the pathetic blogger, would post this on his blog.  The reason why, is he does not like to accept that, he is a single cell organism. He has no talent, he is not creative and he’s a leach of sorts. So when he reads something that he can twist he will twist it, since lacking enough brain cells to come up with something original, this does not lie in his capabilities. As well as not being able to wipe his own ass but that’s another topic. So maybe, pointing out that he doesn’t post things against himself, might make him post it. Honestly he probably won’t so don’t get your hopes up. When shit is mentioned about him he just avoids it or deletes it. Now Lemmings, as you are searching for that cliff remember higher the cliff, surer that you won’t survive. But hell if you don’t live near cliffs then a 40 story building should do the trick and if you are not in a tall city then a semi or train works just as fine. As long as the moving transportation is traveling at a fast enough speed, 72mph is a good speed.

As a reader you should really see what the content of the writer’s writing. For example if he is using pics that are not current, then you know something is up. As well if he is using the same things over and over again, to give his current post attention, then you know something is up. These are all telltale signs that he isn’t legit and you need to move on. Honesty is always the best policy and when your favorite blogger isn’t even anywhere near honest you should just stop reading. In this world there are always going to be people who will lie to you for a pay check. Since I am not getting a paycheck from this blog I have no need to lie to you. But other blogger will and do so.

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